
Sep 18, 2020

Trump: Kamala Harris Must Not Become President Through 'The Back Door'

On Thursday night, President Donald Trump warned supporters at a Wisconsin campaign rally that 2020 Democratic vice presidential nominee and U.S. Senator Kamala Harris should not become the next President of the United States simply because Joe Biden isn't up to the task.

“If a woman is going to become the first president of the United States, it can’t be her,” Trump said. “That would rip our country apart. This is not what people want. And she comes in through the back door.”

Trump said of Biden's running mate, “This would not be what people want, especially because it’s her."

Trump noted that Biden has referred to a “Harris-Biden administration” possibly foreshadowing that the former vice president either was confused about who was at the top of his ticket or that he actually expects she will become president eventually should he win in November.

Trump also referred to Harris’s recent comment about a “Harris administration with Biden as president.”

“They are a disaster together,” he said.

Trump said Harris's Democrat presidential primary debate performances were terrible before Biden chose the former California prosecutor as his running mate.

“I don’t want to put pressure on him, but wait until you see what Mike Pence does to her in the debates,” Trump said to a cheering crowd.

Trump isn't wrong. More than a few political observers have wondered if both Biden and Harris's comments curiously citing her at the top of their presidential ticket is an indication that they believe a Biden victory would inevitably lead to a Harris-led White House.