Being Commander-in-Chief used to also command a certain degree of respect.
Not for this president. More and more Americans just seem done with him every day.
Yahoo News reported this week, "Just 18% of Americans say President Biden should run for reelection in 2024, according to the latest Yahoo News/YouGov poll — the lowest number to date. Nearly two-thirds (64%) say he should bow out."
That's a pretty sad number.
That's not all. "And for the first time, more Democrats now say Biden should pass on a second term (41%) than say he should pursue one (35%)," the report noted.
That's right. Most DEMOCRATS think he shouldn't run again. We reported earlier in the week that Biden's low approval rating is the lowest of any president in the LAST 75 YEARS at this time in their White House tenure.
The Democrats are not expected to do well in the midterm elections, something that could further affect Biden's unpopularity, just as his current low approval will likely hurt his party come November.
It's going to be a tough election for Democrats in 2022 due to a trend that could spill over into 2024.
But even with numbers this pitiful, it's possible that Biden still hasn't bottomed out yet.
How low can Joe go? Time will tell.
So will voters.
In the same poll: "Nearly 6 in 10 Americans (59%) say that Trump shouldn’t run for president again either." Plus the poll said, "most voters (52%) now think “Trump committed a crime by trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election”"