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Let's Cut Some Spending: $1.6M for app to 'enhance' gay sex for Black teens

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In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, ForAmerica chronicles the many ways Washington wastes YOUR tax dollars - and as you’ll see, the list is endless.

Today’s offering: $1.6 million for app that encourages Black teens to 'enhance' gay sex.

We're not kidding.

Fox News reports:

A government-funded effort to study prevention of HIV in Black youth aimed to "enhance" homosexual experiences for teens as young as 14 while potentially keeping parents and guardians in the dark.
App developer Dfusion Inc. and health researchers at ETR were awarded more than $1.6 million over three years from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study innovative methods of reducing sexually transmitted diseases in gay, bisexual and queer teens in the Black community between 14 and 17 years old.
The culturally charged topics of sexuality and gender identity in education, combined with the possibility of concealing the study's training from parents, make the project controversial to many on the political right.

"Controversial." You THINK?

No. Just no.

We don't have money for important and needed things. Much less THIS.

What in the world is happening in this country?!?


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