Remember the absolutely critical Omnibus spending bill Congress muscled through at the end of last year? It was 4,000 pages that no one read and cost taxpayers $1.7 trillion.
In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, ForAmerica will chronicle parts of the 2021 and 2022 spending bills from a variety of sources that you probably don't know about - programs, grants and spending of all kinds that should have never happened in the first place and many that are still happening.
Today’s offering: $1 million to promote 'dance equity!’
Entertainment news site Broadway World reports:
Dance Institute of Washington has been awarded $1 million dollars through recent funding in House Appropriation Bills secured by Congresswoman Elenor Holmes Norton (D-DC). DIW is the leading minority-led pre-professional dance equity organization in the nation's capital. The organization supports students from underserved communities, balancing artistic excellence at the highest level with life-building skills focused on empowerment, academic discipline, emotional support and nutritional guidance…
"It is my honor to fight for D.C. in Congress, and I am proud to have secured this much-needed funding," Norton said.
For DIW, the money will help address long-standing issues supporting equity.
SERIOUSLY? We're spending a million taxpayer dollars on having more 'equity...'