Remember the absolutely critical Omnibus spending bill Congress muscled through at the end of last year? It was 4,000 pages that no one read that cost taxpayers $1.7 trillion.
In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, ForAmerica will chronicle parts of the 2021 and 2022 spending bills from a variety of sources that you probably don't know about - programs, grants and spending of all kinds that should have never happened in the first place and many that are still happening.
Today's offering: $25,000 for Chinese surfers!
Real Clear Policy reports:
According to a recent grant notice, the United States’ Mission to China is funding a $25,000 grant to 'carry out a program to engage Hainan’s surfing community and local environmentally active social media influencers on the topic of climate change and impacts to ocean environments.' It’s your tax dollars at work in the surf of the South China Sea.
That’s right. While Beijing continues its military buildup in the South China Sea, the Biden Administration is making sure surfers enjoy the waves!
Surf's up. Taxes up. Taxpayers, way down.