As we enter the homestretch to the midterm elections, one prominent poll has Republicans ahead.
The Hill reported, “Republicans have retaken the lead on the generic congressional ballot amid rising economic concerns among voters, according to a new Monmouth University poll released on Monday."
"Forty-seven percent of Americans said they either want the GOP to recapture control of Congress this year or are at least leaning toward the party ahead of the November midterm elections, compared to 44 percent who said the same about Democrats," the survey showed.
This is a significant change from August.
The Hill noted, "That marks a major shift since August, when 50 percent said that they prefer that Democrats keep control of Congress. At the time, 43 percent of Americans said that they were leaning toward Republicans."
The survey showed that economic concerns were a top priority for most voters.
"Eighty-two percent of Americans pointed to inflation as their top priority, while 68 percent said that jobs and unemployment were the most important factors for their vote," the poll revealed.
But why are these voters worried? Hasn't Joe Biden assured us we have a strong economy?
What inflation?
"Our economy has never been stronger!" - Joe Biden
Hell, even socialist Bernie Sanders sees it.
We have a little over a month until the 2022 elections. Let this president keep pretending the economy is just fine.
Let Republicans reap the rewards.