Employees at the Chick-fil-A in the Pittsburgh are were surprised by their boss with some pretty big Christmas gifts at the company holiday party.
How big? How about month’s worth of rent?
$1,000 in cash?
Even a car!
According to Pittsburgh CBS affiliate KDKA, "Owner Aimee Hernandez said she’s been going all out with her holiday parties since she bought the store in 2016. Up until now, she’s always done a white elephant-style party, but she said it sometimes left people with gifts they didn’t want — like a beard trimmer for a single high school girl."
"This year, because of the pandemic and staffing shortages, Hernandez said she wanted the party to be 'HUGE,” KDKA noted.
Hernandez passed out tickets based on who worked the most. She told KDKA.“I scrimped and saved every extra penny all year in secret, it was so hard to keep it a surprise!”
That scrimping and saving allowed her to surprise the restaurant staff with prizes like "a week’s worth of salary, a big screen TV, $1,500 in Apple gift cards, a Nintendo Switch, six Steelers tickets, a Louis Vuitton purse and the big prize: a RAV4."
The car was the biggest prize by far and Hernandez said it went to employee who deserved it the most.
It even came wrapped in a red bow!
Hernandez said, “The winner of the car was legitimately the most deserving employee to win it. He is an incredibly hard worker, always smiling and positive, and has the kindest heart. He has a little girl, and really needed a reliable vehicle."
The owner added of her staff, “They are an amazing unit, and support each other in ways that make my heart so happy."
Obviously, she makes a decent salary to afford such things, but it was really nice of her to do that.
That’s the first I hear of chik fila doing anything nice for their employees cause usually they work them to death! Treat them like robots!
It's a nice story! Enjoy, be happy for the lucky employees and don't be a Grinch!
Does the person who wrote the lead sentence of this article know the English language or is this nonsense site sourced in some Russian supported troll farm? Very suspicious. Although it’s followers probably don’t know the language very well either.
I can bet she is a Democra!