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Writer's pictureForAmerica

Florida's bill banning sex talk in classrooms should be implemented nationwide

Why should third graders be talking about homosexuality or any other kind of sexuality in class? Or at all?

Why is it so controversial to say kids shouldn't be talking about sex?

But that's where we are now as the clumsily and inaccurately labeled "Don't Say Gay" bill in Florida has become a flashpoint in the culture war over whether public schools should be able to push discussions about sexuality onto young children.

Banning such talk in classrooms has nothing to do with conservatism or a supposed rightwing agenda - it's basic parenting.

Right now, teachers and school administrators are holding gay pride parades in elementary schools to show opposition to Florida's bill. Little kids. Marching for something they probably don't even understand.

Here was the scene in Austin, Texas recently:

Why aren’t teachers pushing back against this? What teachers are for this?

Who adults are intimate with - gay, straight, whatever - is not the business of children. Most of these kids don't even know about such things.


Think about it: You're asking children to parade around over what adults do with their genitals.

Have we gone insane?

If anything, the Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill should be replicated across the country.

The bill's language says many reasonable things like, "Requires district school boards to adopt procedures that comport with certain provisions of law for notifying student's parent of specified information" and "requires such procedures to reinforce fundamental right of parents to make decisions regarding upbringing & control of their children..."

But the part that the left finds so controversial is that it "prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels."

Great policy! Kids don't need to be introduced to such things. It's sad that this obvious fact even needs to be said out loud. As even progressive HBO host Bill Maher put it, "Maybe kids that young shouldn’t be thinking about sex at all."

The reasonable majority of Americans would agree with this - especially parents. The Florida bill bans sex talk in class for pre-kindergarten through the third grade. Four, five, six, seven, and eight year olds.

That's what's controversial. Wow!

Republicans should tout making similar legislation nationwide as we approach the midterm elections. Whether the states adopted laws or federal action is taken, it's hard to imagine an issue more uncontroversial with most Americans.

If Republicans retake Congress, they can threaten to withhold federal dollars from states that don't implement these protections for kids.

It's a sad state of affairs that so many on the left are obsessed with not doing this. They are hell bent on introducing their identity politics agenda to even the youngest minds - and then they wonder why so many conservatives worry public schools have become indoctrination centers.

When it comes to talk about sensitive topics between parents, guardian, and child, the state shouldn’t be involved. For educators or politicians who think otherwise, we can't trust you. Republicans should ask for votes using this issue in order to restore sanity to the classroom.

Not just because it's good politics, but because it's the right thing to do.

Doing something politically "for the children" is a tired old trope. In this case, it happens to be true.


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