Today, ForAmerica announced its endorsement of Catalina Lauf for the United States House of Representatives for Illinois’ 11th Congressional District. ForAmerica will engage its audience to act, because when ForAmerica engages, America wins.

ForAmerica President David Bozell said:
ForAmerica is proud to endorse Catalina Lauf in her House race. Catalina contributes her success in life to the American Dream and she is running to preserve it for generations to come. She wants to grow small businesses, cut regulations, and reduce inflation - measures that Americans suffering in this economy desperately need and issues that Democrats have failed miserably on.
Lauf was one of the youngest presidential appointees in history when she was tapped to be a special advisor to the U.S. Department of Commerce by President Donald Trump.
As the daughter of an immigrant from Latin America, Lauf believes that securing our borders must be a top priority. She also wants to see stronger law enforcement as opposed to the Democrats’ insane ‘defund the police’ schemes.
Bozell further noted:
Like many conservatives, Catalina is tired of being targeted for censorship by Big Tech and this administration. Plus, she doesn’t want Critical Race Theory and other leftist toxic material being taught in our schools. We need Republicans who are willing to stand up for our children, their lives, and their well-being at all stages... and Catalina will.

Lauf won the Republican primary in June and will now continue to the general election. ForAmerica looks forward to supporting her campaign throughout the election and on to victory in November.
ForAmerica believes in guaranteed constitutional rights, including the right to life at every stage of life. We believe America should have unlimited education and economic opportunities. We believe America should be energy independent using American resources. We demand the freedom to speak and practice our faith. We will accept nothing less than fair and honest elections, and a government that is transparent, accountable, and stays off the backs of the American people as much as possible.