Today, ForAmerica announced its endorsement of John James, candidate for the United States House of Representatives, to represent the 10th Congressional District of Michigan. ForAmerica will engage its audience to act, because when ForAmerica engages, America wins!

ForAmerica President David Bozell said:
ForAmerica is proud to endorse John James to represent Michigan's 10th Congressional District. John is the total package: committed to America's freedom, prosperity, and virtue.
John James is a Michigan native. He was born in Southfield and grew up in a Detroit neighborhood. After graduating from the United States Military Academy, he served eight years in the U.S. Army as an AH-64 Apache aviation officer. He then became president of his family's supply chain business, James Group International, and CEO of its subsidiary, Renaissance Global Logistics.

Bozell continued:
As an Army veteran, he put his life on the line for his country and the Constitution. 'Service before self,' as John likes to say. John is also a businessman and job creator. With his automotive logistics business, he has created many jobs for Michiganders. He wants to grow Michigan's economy, not Washington's. Furthermore, John is a prominent voice for life, liberty, and strong borders.

John James, who has three sons with his wife, Elizabeth, is on the ballot running against Tony Marcinkewciz in Michigan's Republican primary on August 2, 2022. The 10th Congressional District seat is currently held by Republican Congresswoman Lisa McClain, who is, after redistricting, running for the 9th Congressional District seat. If John James wins the Republican primary, he will advance to the general election on November 8, 2022.
ForAmerica believes in guaranteed constitutional rights, including the right to life at every stage of life. We believe America should have unlimited education and economic opportunities. We believe America should be energy independent using American resources. We demand the freedom to speak and practice our faith. We will accept nothing less than fair and honest elections, and a government that is transparent, accountable, and stays off the backs of the American people as much as possible.