Remember the absolutely critical Omnibus spending bill Congress muscled through at the end of last year? It was 4,000 pages that no one read that cost taxpayers $1.7 trillion.
In our Let's Cut Some Spending series, ForAmerica will chronicle parts of the 2021 and 2022 spending bills from a variety of sources that you probably don't know about - programs, grants and spending of all kinds that should have never happened in the first place and many that are still happening.
Today's offering: $2.1 million for sex ed for Ethiopian hookers!
Real Clear Policy reports:
$2.1 million to the Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia taught sex education to female commercial sex workers. It’s sex ed for prostitutes – who just might be able to teach the class…
$1.4 million flowed to the Prostitutes Education Project in Los Angeles, California from Health and Human Services for sex and needle education.
Your taxpayer dollars at (sex) work.