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Your Weekly Blast of Infotainment

Happy Weekend! As you read this CANNON and all future editions, don't get angry. Get determined. Each meme is a Call to Action (CTA) for America. We must stand up and call out the absurdity of the Left - NEVER GIVE THE LEFT A FREE DAY!


💰 Fox Pulls a Bud Light:

Last weekend, Fox News parted ways with the highest-rated news host ever - Tucker Carlson. This led to a wave of backlash from conservatives who have not received an explanation. However, there has been cause for speculation following Fox's settlement with Dominion, the company that provided voting machines for the 2020 election, a week prior. We don't yet know the reason, but Tucker has released aTwitter video that signs off, "See you soon." While Tucker is likely to be back in action soon, eerily, Don Lemon - the failed CNN host - was fired from his network within hours of Tucker's news. It's worth noting that Tucker was let go for doing his job well, while Don Lemon was fired for the exact opposite.

😴 Biden Won't Limit, Save, or Grow:

The Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 has passed in the House! Unfortunately, it is unlikely to make it through the Senate, let alone the White House, as Biden has vowed to veto the bill. The passage of this bill does, however, put the ball in the Democrats' court - Republicans are unlikely to make any more concessions, and Democrats are now caught between conceding line items on the budget or defaulting when the debt limit is reached. This is bad news for Biden, who just launched his 2024 reelection campaign, saying he wants to "finish the job." What job does he want to finish? It could be destroying the economy further, somehow worsening the southern border, or perhaps causing inflation to continue to spiral out of control. Thankfully, Biden's reelection chances look grim as he backs up against a nation in crisis and faces a quickly expiring debt ceiling.

🗞️ ForAmerica's Podcast - Voices ForAmerica:

Voices ForAmerica released several new episodes this week, including Smells Like Small Government, where ForAmerica President David Bozell discusses what's next after the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023 passed the House.

🕚 And More CTAs...

👀 What's Ahead This Week: The House is out next week and will return the following week, May 9 - 12. Majority Leader Steve Scalise announced that during that week members will be voting on a border security package (please note that this will be the same week Title 42 is set to expire).

The Senate will convene next week. On Tuesday, May 2, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing, Supreme Court Ethics Reform. This hearing will portray Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as violating the law for not listing trips on his financial disclosure. The true purpose of this hearing, however, is not about ethics, but rather destroying the Supreme Court that is now an originalist majority. We have and always will have Justice Thomas' back!


The Left doesn't stop, so neither do we! NEVER GIVE THE LEFT A FREE DAY!

Until next time... The ForAmerica Team ForAmerica Website ForAmerica is a tax-exempt, not-for-profit corporation, qualified under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRS). ForAmerica relies on the private financial support of the general public for its income, and accepts no government funds and performs no contract work. Donations are not tax-deductible consistent with IRS Section 170(c).

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