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After the White House announced that Joe Biden would hold a press conference addressing the NATO Summit, it was seen by many as one last ditch effort to prove that the president was mentally fit.
During the Q&A portion with reporters on Thursday, one of the first things he did was call Kamala Harris "Vice President Trump."
You can't make this up. Watch:
Earlier in the day, Biden introduced Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.
By calling him "President Putin."
Nearly every question to Biden from reporters on Thursday was about his mental fitness to be president and run for re-election.
With each answer he said he was fine - and then demonstrated with each fumbled word and confusing language that he's an absolute mess.
It's one thing if Republicans were saying Biden is out to lunch. But now its members of his own party and longtime Democrat advocates who are saying this.
As of this writing, Biden showed no signs that he intends to step down.
He didn't even realize he called his own vice president Donald Trump.
It's scary that this man is representing our country among world leaders when he should not be president right now.
Much less for another four years.
Not because he's a Democrat - though there is that - but because he doesn't even know where he's at! He's completely clueless.
"I'm the best qualified person to do the job," Biden told a reporter about his running for president again.
No Joe, you're not. Not even close.
And you're too out of it to know it.