Screenshot/End Wokeness X
A dramatic video made the rounds on Wednesday showing New York Police Department officials raising a American flag up a flagpole after it had been taken down and replaced with a Palestinian flag by anti-Israel "agitators" during a campus protest at City College of New York.
The New York Post reported, "NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Operations Kaz Daughtry and Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Tarik Sheppard were filmed standing on the flagpole’s base at the school’s Harlem Heights campus then pulling down the Palestinian flag late Tuesday."
"A man — possibly a school security guard — then tosses the four-colored flag to the ground before cops re-raise Old Glory in an impromptu ceremony, the footage shows."
Even New York City Mayor Eric Adams got this one right, saying, “That’s our flag, folks. Who would take over our buildings and put another flag up? It may be fine to other people but not to me."
“My uncle died defending this country," he added. "These men and women put their lives on the line."
"It’s despicable that schools will allow another country’s flag to fly in our country," he finished.
He's not wrong. We desperately need more patriotism and less hatefulness right now.
Not to be outdone in saluting and protecting the American flag amid the protests...
Some North Carolina 'frat' students did something similar.
From the New York Post:
A group of patriotic frat brothers at the University of North Carolina are being rewarded for protecting the Stars and Stripes from an anti-Israel mob bent on hoisting the Palestinian colors.
A GoFundMe page set up for the Pi Kappa Phi members has raised more than $122,000 as of Wednesday afternoon for the students’ heroic stand this week at the UNC-Chapel Hill campus — “to throw this frat the party they deserve,” the fundraising site said.
“Commie losers across the country have invaded college campuses to make dumb demands of weak university administrators,” the organizers wrote.
“But amidst the chaos, the screaming, the antisemitism, the hatred of faith and flag, stood a platoon of American heroes."
Yes, more of this please!