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Writer's pictureNoah Guckavan

Why Young Voters are Flocking to Trump

It's no secret that young people, from young millennials to gen-z, traditionally have supported the Democrat's agenda. They've turned out in droves to vote blue and the Left has counted on their support to win. In 2020, about half of eligible voters age 18-29 voted, and 60% of them voted for Joe Biden compared to Trump's 39% according to exit polls.

In 2024, Harris is polling barely above water with a 51% favorability rating - and that's according to Left-wing pollsters. What's driving the shift away from the Democrats? Among other things, perhaps chief among them are economic factors.

Young people can't afford to enter the housing market, most can't get their foot in the door of the economy, and it's getting worse. Between inflation, which has rapidly increased the prices of homes - increasing by 47% since 2020, while salaries have only increased about 22%. Under Democrat rule, the opportunity to enter the housing market is slipping further and further away for most young Americans.

Democrats' platform plays to emotions and promises government-led assistance to solve the problems young people face, but does nothing to actually solve the issues young people face. They promise to "solve inflation" while overseeing the worst inflation in 40 years. The economy is awful for nearly everyone, but the burden is even more intense on young people - they haven't had the opportunity to get established. Many of them graduated high school or college during Covid. The job market was shot and prices have shot up more than their dead-end jobs could pay. As Covid dissipated and they began to land "real" jobs, it didn't matter - Democrat inflation ate away any head start they might have thought they were achieving.

The Democrat agenda, like $25k for first time home buyers, sounds fantastic... until you read further into it. It will increase housing prices, thwart low to middle income construction, and lead to damn near permanent exclusion from the economy. It is subsidizing demand for housing.

Subsidizing demand for housing will lead to rapid inflation in the housing market. Since it will devalue housing, the market will shift upwards, leaving what is currently more affordable to become even more expensive. As the demand will significantly outpace production from government involvement, the poor will face more of a burden from the policy. Those that currently cannot afford a home will be even further behind as the effect of "free money" will benefit the wealthy at the expense of the poor. The market effects will be felt for generations, meaning young millennials and gen-z may not live long enough for the damage to market to correct. Despite the policy proposal appealing to people at first glance, it favors those who already have a stake in the housing market at the expense of those that do not.

The Republican platform, despite what it lacks in emotional appeals, makes the most sense in terms of long-term economic health. Lowering taxes, combatting illegal immigration, deregulating markets, increased energy production, etc. all bode well for young people to be able to actually get a head start.

Trump's tax plan - which largely includes cutting taxes - will benefit young voters. Trump's tax plan, similar to what he did during his first term, increased the deduction for individuals and couples, increasing for those that made less money. The Left will attack tax cuts, you can probably already hear them saying, "but, but, but, won't cutting taxes raise inflation?" Not necessarily. While the relationship between cutting taxes and inflation is there, what the Left forgets during this attack is that the lower-earning half of the country pay only 3% of the country's taxes.

That's not a typo, 50% of people make up 3% of tax revenue.

Here's the kicker: the poorest 50% of Americans tax revenue only pays for about 1/3 of what we spend to pay for illegal immigrants. Young people are flocking to Trump because they are realizing that the government is selling their futures, and their children's futures, to invading foreigners while calling them 'bigots' for complaining about it.

We need to send illegal immigrants home. Between building the wall, enforcing existing law, and protecting the American economy from illegal immigrants that burden the American taxpayer, Trump's plan to combat illegal immigration is necessary if young people are to have a future in this country.

That's purely economic, not to mention the other negative impacts that unrestricted immigration has on the country. People are waking up to realize the social fabric in the country is being destroyed. Young people go to the store and have a language barrier with most of their neighbors. They aren't safe to walk around American cities - despite the lie that crime has reduced, only around 60% of the country has their crime data reported by the federal government since Biden took office. This includes high-crime areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

Americans are sick of being lied to. Everyone can see and feel the economic destruction, social fabric tear, and rampant crime. It is part and parcel of the Democrat agenda.

What further appeals to young voters is Trump's commitment to deregulating markets and increasing energy production. It is a stark contrast to Kamala Harris' plan to increase regulations - including Soviet-style price controls on groceries which will, quite literally and quickly, lead to mass famine. It's also become increasingly clear that her love for the 'green new deal' has lead to outrageous prices for gas and electricity. Voters are sick and tired of bankrupting the country in the name of climate change.

That's not to write climate change off altogether - 70% of young voters consider climate change a "serious issue." But what they're realizing is that countries like China significantly outpace any pollution the United States puts out. That's not even mentioning other developing countries in Asia, Africa, and South America.

Rather than demolishing the American economy - which merely increases economic production in the less-environmentally friendly countries - young voters are coming around to the dynamics of global trade and climate change. There's a few options in their eyes: a race to the bottom, where the US deregulates and pollutes like these competing countries; economic destruction (the Kamala agenda) where the US destroys itself - again, not solving the issue of climate change; or somewhere in the middle where the US can thrive economically while maintaining realistic environmental protections yet compete in the global market.

One of the main reasons these countries are able to produce goods at lower costs is because of the lack of regulation. Let's use China as an example. Many of the regulations they lack are simply human rights violations (think child labor), but their lax environmental, compliance, etc regulations allows for business to operate more efficiently. There are thousands of examples of this, but think of a small-medium business (50 employees) that because of regulation are now required to provide health care in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. The Chinese company they’re competing against likely obtained resources cheaper (no environmental regulation), maintain low labor costs, aren’t forced to pay for health care (though they may choose to do so), and so on.

At the end of the day, their competing product puts the American company at a major disadvantage. We shouldn't remove all regulations, that would be equally as silly as imposing as many as we are now, but many of the lengths the government forces businesses in the US to go through obliterate American competitiveness. Additionally, the Trump’s tariffs, in large part, are a way to even the playing field - increasing the effective tax on products from countries that don’t follow our standards and undercut American business to allow American companies to compete while maintaining a balanced marketplace and generating revenue at the expense of foreign (often enemy) countries.

Young voters are realizing, once again, that the federal government is selling their future to foreign countries. Kamala Harris intends to sell out Americans in the name of tolerance, climate change, social equality, or any other number of tired phrases that hold no weight in the real world.

Young voters are flocking to Trump.

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