Michael Vadon/Wikimedia Commons
Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump with voters 18-29, but by a lot less in this election than he was in 2020.
According to a new Harvard Institute of Politics poll taken among Gen Z voters from March 14-21:
If the presidential election were held today, President Biden would outperform former President Trump among both registered (50% Biden, 37% Trump) and likely young voters under 30 (56% Biden, 37% Trump). When there is no voter screen (i.e., all young adults 18-29), the race narrows to single digits, 45% for President Biden, 37% for former President Trump, with 16 percent undecided.
In 2020, Biden led Trump by 23 points.
But in 2024, Biden's lead with 18-29 had dropped eight point.
That's a 15 point shift toward Trump.
Which could be, as Trump would say, "YUUUGE." Remember, 2020 was a VERY close race.
Biden can't stand to lose more of the youth vote.
Other polls and data show similar numbers.
With Gen-Z 18-29-year-old voters, this is still Joe Biden's race to lose.
But if significantly more young people don't come out for him in November - and the data suggests they might not - we might have a new president.