Your blast of infotainment from ForAmerica.
August 25, 2024
The Democratic National Convention in Chicago went about as you might expect: Leftist lying to their voters, pro-Hamas protestors screaming and rioting outside, free abortions, and a pop concert.
Kamala's VP pick Tim Walz may stand head-and-shoulders above the rest of the Democrats when it comes to lying. He's lied about his service - stealing valor, claiming he deployed to Afghanistan when in reality he left his unit before they deployed so he could seek public office.
If that wasn't enough, Kamala still refuses to sit down for an interview or answer any questions from the press. She hasn't released any policy positions (other than price controls that would make the Soviet Union blush), instead insisting that you should vote for her to find out what she will do. Who needs policy, though, when you have cackling and "vibes?"
ForAmerica's endorsement program is live! We've selected four U.S. Senate races that are crucial to taking control of the Senate with principled conservatives. Navy special warfare veteran Hung Cao in Virginia, Congressman Jim Banks in Indiana, former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy in Montana, and Captain Sam Brown in Nevada need your support to make America great again!
ForAmerica President David Bozell made the point that this election is "pretty simple:"
Former NFL Wide Reciever Torrey Smith asked for an educated argument for young people to vote for Trump. Ask and you shall receive. We let Torrey know why young voters are flocking to Trump.
Kamala can't seem to articulate her position on the economy. Depending on the day of the week, she will either let you know that the economy is booming or that she will fix the economy. It's hard to fix the problem when you are the problem.
Kamala is running a campaign of "joy;" however, you can't pay your mortgage with "joy." You can't fill your gas tank with "joy." You can't eat "joy," and you certainly can't secure the border with it. While President Trump gives hours-long speeches articulating specific policy objectives to address the problems Kamala has created, her tired taglines and foolish track record can't fix the damage she's done.
We appreciate you taking the time to read through this week's recap! The Cannon will be back next week with more news, laughs, and highlights. Stay tuned as we cover the ins and outs of the 2024 election and never give the Left a free day!
ForAmerica believes in guaranteed constitutional rights, including the right to life at every stage of life. We believe America should have unlimited education and economic opportunities. We believe America should be energy independent using American resources. We demand the freedom to speak and practice our faith. We will accept nothing less than fair and honest elections, and a government that is transparent, accountable, and stays off the backs of the American people as much as possible. ​ The key objective of ForAmerica is to deliver wins the cultural, electoral, and legislative fronts. When ForAmerica engages, America wins. Never, ever, give the Left a free day.
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